What Lurks In Your Basement?

Cluttered basements are not haunted, but they can be scary to kids and adults--spiders, mice, dust elephants and.....Many of our clients are often scared to go in their basements. When our teams of Liberators organize basements, we often wear gloves, masks, hats and shoe covers. This year has been pretty scary, so now we wear masks all the time. We ask our clients to wear masks too. You may see us pray before going in to a home, but we are praying peace and wisdom over the home. We have some standard prayers we pray that are 100% focused on ensuring we remain fun, non-judgmental and safe.

We look at clutter as a fun and exciting challenge and we can usually turn the scary space into an amazing space in a matter of hours or days. If your kids refuse to go in the basement, it may be time to call in the Liberators.

Many households have organized people living in them, but they do not have time to organize. It can cause so much stress and discord in a family when the house feels chaotic and disorganized. Newsweek reported years ago that the average American spends 55 minutes a day looking for things we know we own, but cannot find. This sounds horrifying to us and it must be scary to keep losing things. We want to help families get their basements decluttered and organized! Don't delay, call us today!


  • Scary Prayers: Several of people that call us for a price quote admitted to us that they pray for their house to get hit by lightning and burn to the ground. We immediately counteract that scary prayer with, "Dear Lord, give them the resources and wisdom to hire us to declutter and organize their home. Please Lord do not hit their house with lightning."
  • Scary Thoughts: Lots of our clients have terrible thoughts about what they would like to do to their spouses' stuff. Thank God they call the Liberators in before they do something super spooky.
  • Scary Words: Probably the scariest thing for children to endure in cluttered and chaotic homes are scary words from their parents. For example, "If you don't clean up this playroom all your toys are getting thrown away!" Imagine having hundreds of toys, books and clothes to clean up every day....boo!
  • Scary Step: Many people are terrified of professional organizers. We get it! How horrifying to hear stories of organizers making clients get rid of stuff and passing judgement on their entire family. Our promise to you is that we make organizing fun, we get the job done and we won't judge you.