Liberate Your Household!

Virtual Only Services Available in Phoenix.

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Phoenix Metro: Closed for In-Home Services

Angela Cody-Rouget, aka Major Mom, is the founder of the Phoenix location. She moved to Indiana and is taking virtual clients only in the Phoenix area. Click below on the button for a free estimate or read more about virtual organizing here:

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Phoenix, AZ

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Phoenix location closed on August 29, 2024. Major Mom will serve this area virtually.

Scroll Down To See Some Of Our Testimonials!


"Many years ago."

Many years ago when my husband and I were lucky enough to see Angela on the Shark Tank TV show, we were so impressed with her enthusiasm and professionalism, we decided we had to meet her. My husband was a 20 year’s nuclear submarine man and her story of her veteran life and goals touched his heart. After a wonderful personal visit to our very first apartment ever, Angela understood we needed help in downsizing from three homes to one apartment, and came in and took over. She changed our lives and we never forgot her. Now to the present day. Angela found out by accident that the love of my life, Chuck Leonard, died in March. She wrote me some very kind words and we reminisced about our beginning. Now, however my world had totally changed again. I was now alone for the first time in my life, in a large apartment where my husband always took care of everything! Doing all the shopping, cooking, organizing, and everything else a wife usually does. However this wife was out running the world, Owning businesses, being an executive in a Hospital, on several boards of directors, volunteering as a fund raiser for symphonies and hospitals, etc. We both were now retired for 35 years. With that type of life, I’m sure you can imagine the amount of clutter and treasures and photos and files that needed to be organized, and a system designed to maintain what would be done. In case I forgot to mention it, we also have eight children, seventeen grandchildren and seven great-grandchildren. Now, to my purpose for writing is when I talked to Angela I mentioned I really needed some very good help and I thought only she would be good enough to help me because of the past experience with her. She quickly explained to me that all her trained people could do what she did and said she would schedule a visit with one named Cony, so I could meet and talk with her to see if I would be comfortable having someone else. I must tell you I never looked back one moment after meeting this lovely, kind, smiling, bright eyes, beautiful smile, hard working, energetic, enthusiastic woman, who after spending just four hours with me had a plan for my entire apartment for everything from closets, cupboards, pantry, laundry room, office, garage, under all my sinks, jewelry, patio, etc. She is unbelievable. She never stops working, she never stops smiling, I don’t know which I like more! She’ll come running in and say “I have an idea” and it’s always something I never would have thought of. I didn’t have to give her any directions thank God because I didn’t know how to, she just picked up the reins and ran with it. She came in at my lowest moment in my life, Exactly 4 months from the minute my husband died and completely gave me peace, cleared my mind by clearing things I could not even try to do. Today she finished all our goals that we made together, but before she left I made her promise to come back if I thought of anything else and I already did so I’ve got to get her back again. In conclusion I know this was a long story but I cannot tell you how much this organization has touched my life twice now, and I will be forever grateful. I can honestly say I love Angela and I love Cony. I don’t think I could give a better testimony for any two ladies and what they represent. So Cony ended up not only brightening up my home, but brightened up me too!

  • Darlene L.
  • Arizona

"Used Angela after seeing her on Shark Tank"

Used Angela after seeing her on Shark Tank many years ago and loved what she did so I had called and asked for more help and they gave me Conny who was every bit as good as Andrea and I was very satisfied. So glad I had you in before all this (life events) happened so that my head is so much clearer, thank you again you are wonderful!

  • D.L.
  • Scottsdale, AZ

"My craft and sewing room was so overwhelming"

My craft and sewing room was so overwhelming I could not face it! I was a little stressed during the first day, but so thrilled and excited to be able to have my work space back and to be able to find things again! So glad I did something for myself and hired Major Organizers!

  • PM Racz
  • Glendale, AZ

"My tasks for Nicole and Hansa were very challenging."

My tasks for Nicole and Hansa were very challenging. I had years of “valuable” sentimental papers and pictures. With only descriptions of my family members, the Team sorted everything out by grandchild, filed and updated business papers and sorted over (I think!!) 3,000 pictures! Now I have new goals and am excited to start building my legacy heritage specific to each grandchild. Thanks!

  • Lynda
  • Litchfield Park, AZ

"The liberators were timely,"

The liberators were timely, organized, and respectful. They did not judge my messy house but instead showed us opportunities on how to organize. Not only did they impact my current house, but I will take the knowledge learned and apply to future households. I greatly enjoyed that they took the time to learn about my family and needs, and allowed me to take part in the organizing. I would highly consider hiring them again when I move to a large household! I will also be recommending them to all my friends and coworkers!

  • Ingrid
  • Tempe, AZ

"You girls were great! "

You girls were great! We really benefited from having someone help us set up the best environment for us to be successful and have another eye on our house! Thanks so much!

  • Chase F.
  • Gilbert, AZ

"Wonderful job."

Wonderful job. Just what we expected. Made our move much less stressful.

  • Diane Zellinger

    Repeat Client. Denver and Arizona.

"Angela presented herself."

Angela presented herself. Warm blue eyes. An assured walk. And a smile louder than the bright yellow sun. It was He that sent her. A stranger. An angel, named “Angel”a. We had never met and were acquaintances only by our 3rd grade sons. I welcomed her with joy as she walked up the driveway. Moments earlier, I had just finished clutching the front doorknob suffering from a bout of one of my bellowing coughs. The Stage 4 colon cancer, the chemotherapy, and the weight loss had taken over my body in just the 3 weeks from my diagnosis 1 month prior. I was weak. We just moved into a 3,000 square foot house that was exhaustingly disorganized from room to room. God knew I needed help, and I was content in not asking anyone. She pristined her shoes after I invited her in. The owner of Major Mom heard of my cancer. She came to share in my troubles, to pray, and to give me support. She immediately surveyed my house…my life, one room to the next. No fuss. No muss. No judgment. They were both direct with love. His presence and His word with clear direction. “Organize and prepare your house, your life, as an offering to me as you did that baptism day 30 years ago. I will renew you and give you strength through your cancer cough. I will uphold you with my righteous right hand as you tell others about my goodness and mercy. I have sent her as my everlasting help during your time of trouble so that you and others may know that you can do all things through Christ Jesus who gives you strength.”

  • K.C.
  • Arizona

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